Meet The Tech Company Disrupting The Music Industry (And It's Not Spotify)

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Meet The Tech Company Disrupting The Music Industry (And It's Not Spotify)

#Meet The Tech Company Disrupting The Music Industry (And It's Not Spotify)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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When I first came across Kobalt Music, I didn't get it. Is it a music company or a tech startup? A publishing business or a digital platform? Do they represent artists or songwriters?

The answer, I learned, is all of the above.

In fact, I had the chance to sit down with Kobalt founder & CEO Willard Ahdritz, along with President Laurent Hubert, to slowly and carefully explain to me what they're achieving. And it's quite a lot. I was taken aback by their optimism for the future of songwriters, artists, streaming, and the music industry overall. And I was intrigued by their elegant technological solution to problems that have existed in the industry for decades — all while letting songwriters keep 100% of their rights.

And apparently I'm not the only one. Their publishing roster includes songwriters like ZAYN, Courtney Barnett and, as of this week, Childish Gambino. With ten creative offices and half a billion dollars in collections, they also run the administration of 600 other music publishers. Plus they created AWAL, a similar service designed for indie artists and bands. I was eager to start asking questions at their West Village offices in New York. Here's our chat:

Danny Ross: There are a lot of music publishing companies. What makes Kobalt different?

Willard Ahdritz: We're unique in being 100% transparent, and with a new concept: We're going to pay artists. And that means we’re a service provider.

If you're a songwriter and you go to a major publisher, they own your rights. To maximize value for them is to minimize the amount they pay you. It's built in the structure. So think about that. There's you with limited resources. And then there's the company with all the data, all the resources, and they have your money too. They are dis-incentivized to pay you.

In economics, Principal Agent Theory says that aligned interests increase returns. So it was absolutely clear that our interests should be aligned with songwriters. Corporate is here to maximize your cash flow and be 100% open. You don't need to sue us to get your data — it’s all there. You have everything.

Ross: What led you to start thinking about it from the musician's point of view ? You mentioned you love jazz, and artists like Robert Glasper.

Ahdritz: Absolutely. I played saxophone in a band growing up in Sweden, and also became interested in dance music. So I became friends with an A&R guy and we realized that there was enough good music in Sweden to make something happen. By 1986 Clive Davis came to Stockholm, signed all our bands, and we had global hits. But I saw that songwriters waited three years for publishing money, and you couldn't understand the statements. The guy running ABBA’s catalog became my mentor. He knew all about global publishing and said, "This is just how it is."

A little later I started working in strategy consulting with companies like British Airways. It was my job to split operations between Heathrow and Gatwick Airports, so I was learning about digital airways and relationship programming. Then with British Telecom, I saw the billions of transactions planted on smartphones. When I saw that, it became clear that the publishing industry, which was territorial and local, needed a transformation.

So in 15 minutes I came up with the idea for Kobalt: a publishing company that needs to be centralized, run on the same professional-grade technology as DSPs, and have relationship databases to link songs with products. But most importantly, there would be moral leadership and transparency because my friends were musicians.

Ross: So how how does the Kobalt platform work exactly?

Ahdritz: If you're a songwriter in Los Angeles on a major publisher, it takes four regional offices across the world to get your money from Sweden: L.A. sends to London, London sends to Sweden, and Sweden sends to their local publishing company. Then the money sits for 18 months — six months for every hub — until they pay you. It’s like flying to one place and then another, instead of having direct flights.

But Kobalt manages direct flights everywhere in the world. We go straight to Spotify for collection of global income. On our portal, you can see the real-time data from Spotify and Apple Music. A big hit today like Taylor Swift’s "Shake It Off" has 12 billion micro-transactions for one song. So it was clear that we needed one big database in the middle managing that.

Ross: I like the airplane metaphor – that helps!

Ahdritz: Here’s another one. It's like you can fish with one hook, or ten hooks. We have a thousand hooks catching all the revenue. It’s 100% matching on a global scale. That's beautiful. So we send one invoice to Spotify Stockholm for what they are selling to 65 countries. And then that goes straight to songwriters.

If you're a songwriter, you're an entrepreneur. So for me it’s very important that you have visibility of your cash-flow. You don't need to take a $100,000 advance and sell your copyrights.

Ross: So how does Kobalt turn a profit without owning copyrights?

Laurent Hubert: There are plenty of companies out there that operate and have healthy profits without any type of IP ownership. It's about growth. We’ve decided to invest in building the business so that the notion of copyright ownership is not a factor. We're platform-built, so scalability is critical to profit. That's why we're investing heavily.

Ahdritz: We have a service model. We are leveraging technology instead of leveraging people.

Ross: That sounds like Airbnb or Uber — a culture that's less about ownership and more about enabling users. You must have gotten some serious push back from the “old” music industry.

Hubert: I came from the old music industry. I remember we looked at Kobalt and said, "That will never work. In three years they’ll be out of business!” But in the back of my mind I thought, “This will change the way we do business.”

It couldn’t have started from within the industry because the incentives weren’t structurally aligned. And to outsiders, our industry is arcane and they don't quite understand it. So unless you have a clear vision, you're not going to do this.

Ross:  There are easier businesses to enter into.

Hubert: (laughs) Exactly. In some ways, no one but Willard could have done this because he had the exposure to other industries, but he also had the passion — remember he started on the creative side playing saxophone.

Ahdritz: That's the advantage of coming from the outside – to be disruptive. Not too many people flip careers and then flip careers again, from technology to music to business. It’s like extending the number of instruments you can play.

Ross: Okay, so I think I understand Kobalt’s new role in music publishing. What's AWAL?

Ahdritz: With AWAL, I saw a new structure for artists in the same way that Kobalt helped songwriters, offering the same transparency and ownership. But I also saw a business opportunity because artists are underserved in the traditional major system. It used to be that radio was the only way to get recognition on a massive scale. But now, streaming combined with social media has changed the way you market.

Hubert: Radio used to be the filter of talent, but that filter is decaying. And who is increasingly empowered to make those decisions? You, the listener. On Spotify or YouTube. Streaming platforms are a leading indicator, while radio is a lagging indicator.

Ross: Speaking of Spotify, do you think that streaming is helping or hurting songwriters?

Ahdritz: I think the guns are pointed in the wrong direction. Spotify is writing multi-billion dollar checks, but the money is not flowing down to the creators. Meanwhile, the majors are making more money than ever.

Back in 2009, we had a 90% piracy rate of music in Sweden. It's actually quite astonishing. Spotify is the piracy-killer, it's the track to making money again.

Hubert: In the next five years, there may be 1 billion users streaming globally. Do you think you had a billion people paying for music before? And the cost of music discovery on a streaming platform is zero. If you can move 100,000 streams today, you can start making money.

Ross: So you’re optimistic about the ability of artists and songwriters to thrive in the new digital music industry?

Ahdritz: What if I told you that we're going to have 20x more bands — 100,000 more bands — in the next five years that can make a commercial living? And that will feed through to the lawyers, managers, and touring ecosystems around it.

Ross: Really? That kind of growth is shocking. I haven’t heard anyone else say that.

Ahdritz: Markets are going up and costs are going down. I maybe don't speak English well, but I'm quite good at estimating those kind of figures.

Hubert: The only friction that will be left in the business is access to capital. So I predict that we’ll start seeing micro-lending business lifting a lot of those artists up to start making a living.

Ross: Between you, Daniel Ek at Spotify, and hit songwriter Max Martin, what’s in the water in Sweden that you've taken over the entire music industry?

Ahdritz: I think we have a deep technology tradition and also a deep songwriting tradition. Even the songs at church are much more melodic and fun. We have drinking songs going back centuries. We sing all the time! It's in our DNA, like talking about food in France. And with technology, Ericsson was the first-ever mobile company, holding 50% of patents for all mobile technologies.

Ross:  Lastly, what advice do you have for up-and-coming artists and songwriters?

Ahdritz: The basic thing to becoming a songwriter has never changed: You need to create a song that someone else would like to listen to (that's not your girlfriend or grandmother).

Remember it was also very difficult to make it in the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s. In the 2000s, MySpace had 1.8 million bands. So it’s important to cut through the noise. Obviously you’d like to have a team pitching your songs to the big artists, and that’s tricky because there are still gatekeepers. But start to build your own house, build your revenue streams.

Hubert: Because you are empowered in this new environment, that comes with more responsibility. Education is key because these are decisions you have not been exposed to in the past. Plus, your manager and lawyer may not be evolving in the same way you are. Do they understand that the ecosystem is changing so dramatically?




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